Bathroom Renovations: Before and After
Clear Glass Shower Enclosure
Elegant Powder Room and Soaker Tub
Floral Wallpaper and Carpeted Bathrooms
Grounding the Tub with Paneling
Ensuites: One Sink or Two?
My customers will say, “Should we do two sinks or should we do one sink? What do people look for when it comes to buying a home, when it comes to an ensuite? Do you have any input on that?” You know, it’s all dependent on the buyers and what their needs are. Everybody differs.
And some people don’t have a lot of room to keep a second sink.
They would rather have that counter space because their husband goes in after when the wife goes in or whatever it is, and she needs that counter space for her makeup. So sometimes that works out a little bit better. So, I kind of say it’s a personal preference thing, and also just check with your real estate agent if you’re going to be selling in a while, see what they say.
Every area, I think, is a little bit different as to the demographics for real estate. So I just kind of defer to you professionals in that instance.
Again, it’s going to depend on the size of the bathroom and if it makes sense to have the second sink, the price of the home, and you know, it always comes down to the buyers and what their needs are for the house, of course.
Paneling for Classic Elegance
Protecting Wallpaper with Quartz Backsplash
Because with bathroom fans, you want to think about what’s called CFM, which is cubic feet per minute of the air that it sucks up, and there is an equation. You could probably Google it to find out how much CFM you need for your fan based on the size of your bathroom. This one had to be one of the largest sizes just because I knew from that shower it’s so big, and a lot of steam will be coming out. We want to make sure there’s not a lot of moisture.
Cost-Effective Wallpaper vs. Tile
Choosing Between a New Tub Surround and Tiling Shower Walls
Options for Tub Surrounds
Considerations for Tiling Shower Walls
Large Format Wall Tiles
Waterproof Backer Board
Personal Preference Situation
Choosing the Right Tub Surround for Your Bathroom
The Importance of a Waterproof Surface
Choosing the Right Tub Surround for Your Bathroom
Design Tips for a Modern Bathroom
Shower Design Ideas
Transforming a Basement Bathroom: Ideas for Making the Shower Feel More Open
Drywalled-in Shower
Tiled Shower Floor
The other option is to tile her floor, shower floor. In this second picture, you can see that the floor has been tiled with tiny little hexes, and there’s a little curb that gets made, and the glass shower door which is usually a pretty precise one, wall to wall, can go in and again open up that space. So that would be my suggestion for the final question is to open it up that way.
I also want to mention, and sometimes seats don’t always have to be built-in. If you look at that picture, you’ll see there’s a little corner seat which this customer picked up. I think it was like Bed Bath and Beyond or something like that, but if it’s made of teak, it’s waterproof, so you can put it right in the shower, and it was a cute little seat that she wanted a freestanding one because I may not want it in there all the time. So there are lots of options for getting all your accessories in there.
Is a Bathtub Necessary in a Bathroom Renovation?
The Appeal of a Great Shower
Options for Bathtub Installation
While the decision to include a bathtub in a bathroom renovation ultimately depends on personal preference, it’s essential to consider the needs of potential future buyers. At least one bathroom with a tub is necessary, preferably in the children’s designated bathroom. With many options available, it’s easy to make a bathtub look elegant and functional, even for those who prefer showers.